If you’re looking for a product that will help your little one crawl. I have the perfect product for you called the Crawligator.
The new Crawligator Tummy Time rolling Toy provides mobility for infants 6 to 12 months old. The JPMA Innovation Award Winner 2019 builds strength, develops gross motor skills, and supports independence.
The Crwaligator was even featured on ABC Made in America last year.
The Crawligator is Pediatric physical therapist recommended. Your little one will get stronger by lifting up, the arms will be strengthened, It helps the child with reaching and kicking. It’s designed to move on a hard floor surface. Sleek contoured surface allows the child to rest comfortably on their stomach. I really love the fact that it’s MADE IN the USA.
What a fun way to allow your little one to have tummy time without worrying about crawling on the floor. The Crawligator Tummy Time rolling Toy would make a great gift.
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The Crawligator would be a great baby shower gift! What a wonderful idea for a developmental tummy time toy with many benefits. Develops gross motor skills, build strength and supports independence. It’s built to last and can be passed down to the next generation:-)