A great way to earn an income from home is by becoming a Mystery Shopper. You don’t hear a ton about being a mystery shopper nowadays like in days past. It’s a very simple concept that most women enjoy because they can be paid for doing things that they are already doing or enjoy doing. Mystery shopping is one of the models that I use to generate an additional stream of income and to get free meals, etc.
So, Who dose it work and what do you have to do?
Mystery shoppers go into businesses as customers. They interact with employees, make a purchase and possibly a return, and then fill out an evaluation form describing what happened during their visit. Or, shoppers may be asked to create a video of their shopping experience. Mystery shoppers get paid for providing this service as an independent contractor in virtually all cases. The mystery shopping company does not employ you. This is your own business.
What kind of businesses use Mystery Shoppers?
Any business that deals with the public may use mystery shoppers-stores, restaurants, banks, hotels, salons, home builders, apartment complexes, gas stations, casinos, auto dealers, auto service centers, movie theaters, health clubs, pet stores, amusement parks, optical providers and more. You can get paid to get your hair cut or your eyes examined, have dinner, go to the bank, have your car worked on or fill up the gas tank, watch a movie, get your dog groomed, and lots of other things you like to (or have to) do.
How much will I earn?
That depends on you. It will be primarily based on how many assignments you take on. Many shoppers do this in their spare time and earn $100, $200, or more per month. Some consistently earn more-often a lot more. It is not unusual for a part-time or part-time shopper to make $500 or more per month. Some shoppers work for many companies or are full-time with one company, and make their living this way.
It’s not easy, though, to be a full-time shopper. It will probably require that you work with a large number of mystery shopping companies – perhaps 10-25, or more. You will have to juggle lots of assignments with different requirements, due dates, and report formats, so you must be very organized and disciplined. Full time shoppers have been known to consistently earn over $40,000 per year.
What is the typical pay like for a Mystery Shopping assignment?
The pay for a mystery shop (including purchase reimbursement) may range from about $10 or $20 up to $50, $100 or more. It depends on the company. A Great Company to work with is called Best Mark. I have been working with them for 3 years now.
Check out this video and see just how easy it is:
About BestMark
BestMark has been in business for over 26 years and has all types of assignments (auditing, mystery shopping, exit interviews) across many industries, ranging from retail to automotive to restaurants and more!
What I love most
I the fact that it’s free to sign up as a BestMark shopper and you can view the opportunities in your area as soon as you are hired into the system. The best part is that I get to provide feedback about the experiences I have at local businesses and I get paid for it!
To get started on your journey as a mystery shopper. Here is a link to their free application:click here:
I have always been interested in mystery shopping but I have heard there are many scams out there. Do you know personally if this is a reputable company?
Hi Pamela, I just got started with them so I will keep you posted.
Do you really make money being a mystery shopper and is this the only reputable company you know of ? I am really quite interested. Thank you so much !
Yes..and as of right now, this is the only one that I know of. I will post more once I research them as legitimate.
I like some information about mystery shopping
Jeanne…just go here: https://apply.bestmark.com/?r=OH22850
Complimenti per l’articolo, davvero interessante, spero tu possa pubblicare altre informazioni così interessanti in futuro, tornerò presto a leggerti. Buona giornata
Good to see real expertise on display. Your cotuiibtnron is most welcome.
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