Flowers are the one thing that brightens up the day of many for different reasons. Whether it be anniversary,weddings,illness or just because. Flowers are a great gift idea. I personally love all types of arrangement’s and flowers and don’t have a preference where as some people love roses the most. No matter what your favorite flower, Teleflora has got you covered.
About Teleflora:
At Teleflora all floral arrangements are artistically arranged by a local florist using only the freshest flowers available, and each gift is personally delivered in a vase – in most cases, the same day you place your order – to ensure that it arrives in premium condition, ready to be enjoyed immediately.
Coupon Code Savings
I’m sure you know someone with a birthday coming up or maybe an anniversary! If you would love to order anniversary flowers for your better half, or are in need of a birthday flower delivery, I have a special offer for you! Right now, you can save 20% off by using #ff0000;”>Coupon Code JULYUJ. The coupon code is valid until 10/16/14. To redeem just enter the promo code at checkout or click 20% off flowersand your discount will automatically be deducted.
Win it!
Would you love a chance at winning a $75 Teleflora Gift Code to surprise a loved one with a beautiful bouquet? Well, our generous sponsor would like to offer one of our lucky readers a chance to do just that!
One lucky winner will win a
$75 Teleflora Gift Code!
(service fee will be waived on order)
The Giveaway will end 7/23/14 at 11:59 pm ET! Open to US residents 18+ and older.
Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.
Good Luck!
CouponWAHM is not responsible for prize fulfillment
Kristen says
I like Beautiful in Blue.
Camiele says
I like the True Romance Bouquet.
Danielle D says
Teleflora’s Crazy for You Bouquet with Red Roses