Welcome to the $50 Amazon GC from Kinsights Giveaway
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Being a parent today is not as easy as in day’s past.There is more of a need for parent’s to be able to have a place where as parent’s they can communicate with other parent’s who are probably going through the same situations that they are going through and find support.
Have you ever had a situation as a parent where you wish you could find answers to a question at any time of the day? Have you wanted to know what other parent’s have gone through but wanted to ask discreetly or maybe were embarrassed to ask? Kinsights is the answer to dilemma! Kinsights is an advice-sharing network for parents. The best part is it’s FREE and you can share experiences if you want, see what others have gone through and/or ask questions!
Find out how wonderful Kinsights can be, you’ve got nothing to lose and much to gain. They are generously sponsoring a $50 Amazon Gift Card, enter on the rafflecopter below and GOOD LUCK!
Disclosure: CouponWAHM is not responsible for prize fulfillment.
Shannon says
All of the fun times at the beach with my family building sand castles.
Renee Simmons says
Being with my son in the delivery room as his first born was born, and made me a grandma!
Sharon Christian says
The day my son was born, he just came out and he was laid on my belly,the nurse wrapped his finger around mine. There was an instant bond. And he was a miracle from God. Took a long time to conceive him. We are still just that close today. As he grows to be a teenager…love my son…
K. Finn says
I guess my first memory that I know for sure that I remember, and not just from photos, is sad. But I remember when my best friend Claire no longer wanted to be friends with me. She was quiet, and I was louder, and I hadn’t known that I had been dominating her, while she kept giving in to me.