Sabrina is the author and creative force behind CouponWAHM and owner of Tremani Enterprise LLC. She is a Social Media Specialist and Strategist who continues to stay on the cutting edge of Social Media and Internet Marketing.Sabrina has successfully worked with companies such as Walmart,ABCMouse,Soda Stream, RockNLearn and More in an effort to bring more exposure and revenue to their brands.
Tracy Jones says
Her stepfathers name is King Roland II.
Sarah says
King Rolland
Sophia’s stepfather is king roland II
Meryl says
King Roland II
Emillie says
King Roland
Ryan says
King ROland II
Melissa Cunningham says
King Roland II is her step fathers name.
amy deeter says
King Roland II is Sofia’s stepfather
Jaime says
King Rolland
Chad C says
King Roland!