Sabrina is the author and creative force behind CouponWAHM and owner of Tremani Enterprise LLC. She is a Social Media Specialist and Strategist who continues to stay on the cutting edge of Social Media and Internet Marketing.Sabrina has successfully worked with companies such as Walmart,ABCMouse,Soda Stream, RockNLearn and More in an effort to bring more exposure and revenue to their brands.
Darlene Sullinssays
Will we be lighting fireworks in our pasture area for sure!
My plans are to watch on of the fireworks display in the area here.
Denise Ssays
We’ll probably do some simple fireworks in the backyard for the kids.
We’re going to have a family BBQ and fire off some fireworks.
Michelle Wsays
I don’t have any plans for the 4th
Danielle Mariesays
i am working on the 4th but want to go to the beach that weekend.
Tim Stephenssays
Fireworks, Giant Bubbles, Smoke Ring shoot, food, family… all by the little pond at my sister’s mother in laws house… she has a wrap around porch that is amazing…. oh yes… homemade hand cranked ice cream
Susan Smithsays
My plans are to watch fireworks and have a cookout.
Will we be lighting fireworks in our pasture area for sure!
We will*
My plans are to watch on of the fireworks display in the area here.
We’ll probably do some simple fireworks in the backyard for the kids.
We’re going to have a family BBQ and fire off some fireworks.
I don’t have any plans for the 4th
i am working on the 4th but want to go to the beach that weekend.
Fireworks, Giant Bubbles, Smoke Ring shoot, food, family… all by the little pond at my sister’s mother in laws house… she has a wrap around porch that is amazing…. oh yes… homemade hand cranked ice cream
My plans are to watch fireworks and have a cookout.