Welcome to the Dads, Grads, & Everyone in Between Giveaway Hop, hosted by the Blogging Mamas Network!
It’s the beginning of Summer and a time when we’re celebrating Dads and Grads, but in this Hop we’re not leaving anyone out! Hop around to all the bloggers participating in the linky at the bottom of this post to enter awesome giveaways worth at least $25!
CouponWAHM is giving away a pair of Men’s Canvas shoes
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So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the Dads & Grads participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.
Ann Fantom says
I entered the $30 PayPal giveaway
polly says
I entered Gorton’s Giveaway
Kristen says
I entered the Rice Cooker giveaway.
instagram ID gmrich22