Disclosure: I was provided this product as an advertorial however my opinions are my own and may differ from those of yours.
When my family becomes ill, I turn to natural homeopathic products. My personal favorite brand is Hyland’s. If you are not familiar with them, Hyland’s is paving the way when it comes to natural products for the entire family, from infant’s to adults. With the winter months ahead for many of us, it is very important to have certain products on hand just in case you need them. My personal favorties are, Hyland’s 4 Kids Cold n Cough Nighttime , the Hyland’s 4 Kids Cold n Mucus, the Hyland’s Baby Gas Drops, the Hyland’s Baby Nighttime Tiny Cold Syrup , the Hyland’s DEFEND Cold + Mucus and my all time favorite, Hyland’s DEFEND Severe Cold + Flu Check out this video and see the soothing relief that you get.
Hyland’s is offering you a chance to win a variety of Hyland’s products. To participate, parents or legal guardians will be able to enter a photo of their child dressed up in their costume and submit a fun caption. They are looking for people to be really creative with their photos, however, they must be the legal guardian of the children they are photographing so they can give permission for us to utilize the photo. Since they are not the legal guardian of their friends and other family members, they cannot submit photos with those people. Photos will be shared and the contest will be promoted under the hashtag #halloweenwithhylands.
The contest will be judged on the following criteria:
Adherence to the Halloween theme (35%)
Creativity of photo caption (15%)
Originality of costume (e.g., creativity of costume; costume details) (35%)
Quality of the photo (e.g., lighting, focus) (15%)
To Enter. Head over to :https://www.facebook.com/Hylands.Health/app_451684954848385