Do you want to learn how to make money online? Are you seeking new and interesting ways to bring in some extra money while you’re at home? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Write From Home is the book for you. In this Kindle exclusive eBook, you’ll find everything that you need to know to get started writing from home. If that’s not enough, check out the author’s freelancing class on Udemy. Write Fast, Write Now: How to Become a Freelance Writer will show you everything that you need to know to become a freelance writer. This class normally costs $99, but enroll today using promo code BLOGGER to take it for just $20!
To celebrate the launch of both the book and the course, The Hungry Freelancer and Beth Jones are happy to announce a $30 Amazon gift card giveaway! Enter using the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win $30 to spend on anything you want!
Disclaimer: This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment. The gift card will be issued by The Hungry Freelancer upon selection of the winner.
Anita says
To Kill A Mockingbird.
Colleen Boudreau says
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
Camiele says
The Harry Potter series.