Welcome to the [2nd Annual] Showered With Love Event hosted by the Blogging Mamas Network!
We all know that April Showers bring May Flowers, but did you know that some of your favorite bloggers have come together throw a huge Shower of our own – a virtual Baby Shower!
A few of my blogging friends have come together to bring you some really good prizes that you can win.
CouponWAHM is hosting a Toddler Yoga Mat.
Sponsored by Bendi Baby.
The Showered with Love Event will run from April 1-15, giving you plenty of time to enter all of the great giveaways, in the linky below, including the Grand Prize of a Combi Catalyst Travel System!
Follow Lindsey G. {Blogging Mamas/SEBG}’s board Showered with Love Giveaways on Pinterest.
So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the Showered with Love participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.
i would love a yoga mat for my youngest son, Then we could do it together without him trying to steal mine!
thanks for the awesome chance
I would love to get my daughter into yoga with me! It would be nice to have her start at an early age
It’s funny how much better our little on is at dancing or exercise of any sort. She picks up the moves easier.
With 3 granddaughters, this yoga mat would be used very often.
My 5 yr old does yoga with me & would love this!
I would love this for my daughter. She would love having her mat next to mine.
My 19 month old is already interested and tries to get out Mommy’s “yo” mat!
Our 5 year old grandson goes with his mommy to her exercise classes…this would be fun to have!
I would love to have a toddler yoga mat! my daughter gets lost in my big ones
Perfect for my toddler who loves to exercise with me.
My son loves todo yoga this would be great
this would be great for me and my kids !!
Thank you for the chance!
Both of my 2 year olds do yoga with me, and they’re quite good at it!
I would love a toddler yoga mat! My son uses my husbands right now, but when we all want to to do yoga my son isn’t very happy and gets in our way trying to use our mat.
I love the cute look of this! My daughter would love it.
My daughter would love this! She loves watching and joining in with mommy doing yoga.
I think my son would love this! I have a mat for myself and he is constantly putting his head on the floor trying to copy!
So cute! Would love to win this for my little yoga baby!
This would be awesome!
My husband is a yoga instructor and we actually met through yoga. We’d love to have a special child-sized mat for our little one to practice with us!
this would be awesome so my son doesnt have to share my mat!!
Would love this! We have so much fun doing yoga with 2 year old daughter 🙂
I would love to win this! Great product and giveaway. I love Yoga and would love for my daughter to love it just as much.
Thank you for having this giveaway. It’s a pretty awesome prize.
My granddaughter would love this.
Very cool mat
I’ve been working out with Shaun-T (if you know who that is), and the mat would sure come in handy.
My son would love this – he always wants to do yoga with me 🙂
It would be fun to do together with my granddaughter
I would like to win this for my 3 year old granddaughter.
Thank you for the chance!
Would love the yoga mat for my daughter, she loves doing yoga with me and is aways on my my mat
I would love to win this! It would be a perfect birthday present for my daughter!
I’d love to win this!!
Love this, thank you.
You’re Welcome Erica…good luck!
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.
This would be perfect for my niece.
This is wonderful. I’d like to get my grandson started and this would be so cute!
I would love to win this for my daughter! I am keeping my fingers crossed
Id love to win this. Thanks for the cahnce.
My 3 year old granddaughter loves yoga.
My sweet niece would love to try to do yoga with me. She always tries to copy my exercises!
I’d love to win this for my baby neice.
This is so cute! My daughter would love this!
this is so cute! my son loves doing yoga with mommy, this would be perfect!
this yoga mat would come in handy
I’d love to try this.
My three year old would like doing yoga with me on her own mat 🙂
Great Giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance 🙂