Is Your Teen Involved in Catfishing?
Find Out Using Android Monitoring Apps
“Catfishing? What is so wrong in fishing catfish?” Well, here a catfish is not a fish with whiskers! In the cyber-world, the word “catfish” has a different meaning; a catfish is someone who creates a false profile online in order to trick others, mostly into romantic relationships. Catfish at times not only create a fake profile but a whole fake history and family, in order to have an intimate bond with the other person.
Anyone can be a catfish; a middle school boy who feels ignored and wants to be noticed, so he creates a fake account of someone he wants to be like or a cyberbully or even an online predator. It is very easy to impersonate or create a fake account on social networking sites. Online predators are on the lookout for anyone who might respond to their activities,s i.e. messages or friend requests. An online predator can lure your teens into thinking that he/she likes them or just wants to be ‘friends’ and once that person gain your teen’s trust, your teens and their personal information are at risk.
Not only can your teen be a victim, but they can also be the catfish! It is not that impossible. They might not harm someone, but just because it is a growing trend in teens and following a trend is as important as anything else in their life. Well, it is good to trust them, but it is also important to keep an eye on their cyber life. How can you do that? Well, like many tech-savvy parents you can shift to digital gear and use android monitoring apps to monitor your teen’s online activities.
How can parental control apps help?
You may use the conventional ways of checking their phones, but teens can easily outsmart you. You may want to keep their IDs and passwords, but what good will it do? They are not using that account, and regardless of that, not all teens would give up their passwords. So why not act smart and monitor their online activities with parental monitoring apps like FamilyTime.
FamilyTime has many interesting features like location tracking, Geo-fencing, Watchlist Contacts and many more. But in this case, FamilyTime allows you to:
- View their web history and bookmarks, to see the websites they visit along with the date and time stamps.
- Look at the complete list of apps installed on their phones.
- Blacklist any app you find inappropriate.
- View usage frequency to observe how much time they spend on a particular app.
You can also download this app in a jiff from your play store or from the button below:
With these features, you can monitor what your teens do on their social networking accounts and on the internet. Observe the time they spend on an app and if they use the web version of it, i.e. Facebook, find out what and as who they post through their web-history.
Tell them not be another sheep in the flock
It is very important that your teen understands not to follow every trend just for the sake of being trendy. Just because everyone is doing it does not mean it’s right. Take an interest in your teen’s cyber life and be their friend so they can tell you if they have met someone online. Then do whatever you feel is right to ensure that the person they like is not an imposter or an online predator. Shift to smart parenting and use android parental controls to ensure their online and offline safety!
Yes, parental control is a good stuff. I use similar app called kidslox ( It took some time for me and my kid to get used to it but now we have much less argues about his tablet time and things he can watch on youtube