CouponWAHM has joined forces with some super savvy bloggers to bring you some super fabulous giveaways just in time for Spring! With Spring in the air that means Spring Cleaning for many of us moms. Why not enter some giveaways and try to win some much needed products. CouponWAHM is hosting a Crane Hello Kitty Humidifier.
Welcome to the Spring Sweeping Giveaway Hop, hosted by the Blogging Mamas Network.
The days are getting warmer, brighter, and longer which may lead many to start Spring Cleaning. But we’re not ready to start cleanin’ until we’re done sweepin’! Take the next two weeks to sweep along the fabulous giveaways that a group of bloggers have come together to offer you! Be sure to hop around to all the giveaways, in the linky below, and just maybe the Grand Prize of a Shark® Lift Away Vacuum, from Brylane Home, will get someone in the Spring Cleaning mood! You can enter the Grand Prize here.
So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the Showered with Love participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.
Colleen Boudreau says
I drink a hot toddy when I’m sick.
Megan Cromes says
i drink hot tea
Jessica Jackson says
I’ll drink a hot cup of water with lemon and honey. If I’m up to eat, I’ll have some chicken noodle soup 🙂
Sylvia White says
Hot tea with honey for a cold
Francine Anchondo says
Drink apple cider, chicken noodle soup and vick vaposteam.
Patty Bishop says
I use honey, it’s great for so many things.
christina moore says
I drink warm lemon water
Elise Swanson says
Lots of water, hot tea and we run humidifiers in both bedrooms at night
Darlene Sullins says
Apple cider vinegar and honey, lol
Cindy B says
We use lots of essential oils to help when anyone is sick.
Lynn C says
A teaspoon of baking soda and glass of water will heal many stomach upsets
Anastasia says
Toothpaste on pimples in the shower! 🙂 All the steam opens up my pours and the toothpaste takes the pain and redness out of my pimples! It’s always worked pretty well for me 🙂
heather baker says
Apple cider vinegar with water to help with sinus issues from allergies.
Lauren Watson says
Salt and hot water for when i have a sore throat, works like a charm!
Tabitha P. says
I have two.
First is Vicks on the feet at night for colds.
And Vasaline on the .eels/feet for dry feet,
Laura Wilson says
I use Vicks products in my humidifier when my daughter is sick.
Elle says
Apple Cider Vinegar. It helps with lots of things but especially with GERD. It is good for chickens too…helps keep them from getting sour crop.
Cassie Hayes says
My remedy is hot tea with honey. Makes you feel so much better.
Renee Richardson says
I like apple cider vinegar with honey for a sore throat. Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
soha molina says
using honey, ginger and lemon juice mix for colds.
linda w. says
Salt water gargle for a sore throat.
Hannah Avery says
take Vitamin C!
Ali Goff says
Aloe Vera for sunburn.
Heather B says
We always use Apple Cider Vinegar or pickle juice to break up all the nastyness in the chest
marian boll says
Vicks chest rub and homemade chicken soup
bn100 says
drink hot tea
sara giresi says
vics on bottom of feet for a cough!
Misty Lunceford says
Apple Cider to break up congestion!
Betsy Barnes says
My favorite home remedy is hot tea with honey and lemon for sore throats and upset stomach 🙂
jeanette sheets says
hot tea with lemon and honey
Ashley Irby says
Home-made chicken noodle soup!
courtney b says
soup and lots of fluids.. sorry its all i got! lol
heather eg kaufman says
Hot tea with honey & lemon works great.
kelly tupick says
My best home remedy for the flu is sipping pickle juice. I know it’s strange but that is the only thing that helps me when i’m sick. For my husband and daughter there’s is warm ginger ale and crackers.
Janice Crespo says
Tea with lemon for a head cold coming on works great for me!
D Schmidt says
My favorite home remedy is apple cider vinegar for indigestion
Abigail says
Sme extra sleep and a nice hot bath!
Jody D says
The old stand by chicken soup always worked for my family! Comforting at least!
Shauna Hartley-Lynn says
Humidifier, Lots of Liquids, Essential Oils, Heating Pad, & curl up with the cats. Lots of sleep too.
Emily S. says
Hot water with lemon and honey for a sore throat.
Dorothy Teel says
A favorite home remedy would be to use Vicks on your chest and under your nose when you feel a cold coming on, and drink a lot of water
Juliee Fitze says
Hot water with lemon and honey for colds
Allyson Bossie says
My favorite home remedy is Grapefruit seed oil. It’s a natural antibiotic that works better than any medicine a doctor will prescribe. It’s natural, safe, and cures all that ails!
Angela W says
We like thieves oil for the bottom of our feet when we don’t feel well.
Heather Swarthout says
I always use some medicine for the bottom of my daughter’s feet, humidifier and it works!
Paula Ball says
best thing in the world for a cold is hot peppers. they thin out the mucus & make you drink more fluids.
Candi S. says
I love ginger ale when I am sick.
Paige says
Sipping on lots of water and tea! 🙂
valerie guerrero says
pinch of salt to a glass of warm water for congestion
Michelle K. says
Gargle with warm salt water
Darlene Jones-Nelson says
My favorite Home remedy is Hot totties Tea with lemon and a shot of brandi
Tamara says
Coconut oil! For pretty much everything!
Jessica says
Coconut oil for dry skin.
Victoria says
It depends on the ailment, but some of our go-to remedies are Vicks vapo rub, essential oils in a humidifier, hot tea with honey, and a hot bath and early bedtime
christine jessamine says
my favorite home remedy is chicken soup when sick
kimberly bhatti says
i mix warm water with salt and gargle when i have a sore throat
Kim Pinch says
I like lemon and honey tea when for a sore throat/cough.
Natalie Parvis says
We use the humidifier a lot. It helps to prevent sleepless nights.
wendi watson says
vicks is what i swear by@
wen budro says
My fave is warm whiskey and honey for a cold.
Dani Osenbaugh says
Essential Oils!
Rebecca Parsons says
I try to keep everything as clean as possible, wash hands frequently and lots of sleep.
Rebecca Orr says
I use Vicks in my humidifier. I also make sure to drink plenty of hot tea with honey, water, and orange juice. I also make sure to have saltines on hand because it is usually one of the few things I can keep down when I am sick,
Shannon says
For a cold, lots of rest and plenty of liquids.
Michele P says
I take a steam bath to open up my pores, also use honey for many things hair, throat etc…
Amy Smeltzer says
Hot tea, hot shore and sleep lots
Melissa Cunningham says
candy kratzer wenzel says
a cut onion in each room when sick.
Anne says
It’s not very original, but when I have a cold, nothing helps like hot tea with honey. Except maybe chicken soup!
diane welburn says
A warm shower. The steam helps me to feel better!
Shannon Baas says
I use hot tea for sleep.
Susan Robbins says
Milk toast: toasted buttered bread torn up in warm milk with some sugar sprinkled on top. Five generations have used this for flu in my family.
Kelly D says
Vitamins are my favorite home remedy, vitamin C, D and Zinc.
Sherry Compton says
Lemon and honey warmed up for a sore throat.
Chris Brown says
I use Honey, Lemon Juice, Ginger, Cayenne, and Tumeric with hot water for fighting nausea, and colds. Took it almost every day of my pregnancy.
Carol says
I use Salt water to gargle for a sore throat.
brandy g. says
Hot water with lemon & honey. Also plenty of vitamin C.
Deb K says
Putting Vicks on your chest,and also on the bottom of your feet,
nickie says
Hot tea with honey
Alecia says
My favorite home remedy is to drink chicken noodle soup for a cold. It may not get rid of the cold but it sure makes me feel better.
Dwayne Berry says
My favorite home remedy is lots and lots of sleep.
Home remedy is hot chicken soup and lots of rest
lissa crane says
My favorite home remedy is steam! Whenever one of us is sick, steam does the trick!
Judy Cox says
For a sore throat, gargle with salt water.
Hey Jen says
Apple cider vinegar! Works wonders for a variety of issues.
Joshua Johnson says
The drink that always makes me feel better is Cinnamon Tea with Honey and Lemon.
Davina says
Put some boiled water in a heatproof container. Add a teaspoon of vicks vaporub and put your head over the container and a towel over your head and inhale the vicks and it will clear you up!
ron frampton says
get rest and take lots of fluids
margie hanks says
hot baths chicken soup and vicks
Beki Lozano says
Megan M says
My favorite home remedies are essential oils.
danielle says
Swishing with salt water when you have a sore throat
Sheila Owen says
My favorite home remedy is tea and honey, works great for a sore throat.
LeeAnn Boggs says
My favorite home remedy is a drink for a cold or a sore throat. It consists of vinegar, honey, pepper, and some other ingredients. It tastes wretched, but it works instantly and you’re not chugging cold medicine.
Jessamine D. says
My favorite would have to be gargling with salt water and honey water. 🙂
Taylor Dunn says
peroxide gargle for sore throat!
casey says
homeopathic aconite to head off illness
Jenny Stanek says
Gargling salt water for a sore throat!!
Katie J says
Hot tea with honey anytime you are sick, soothes everything!
Teresa Thompson says
For a fever, scrape a potato and put it on the bottom of your foot.
Robin Abrams says
Drinking hot tea with lemon when sick
Tara Liebing says
When we get a bad cold or sinus infection we put Vick’s Vapor Rub on our chest and the bottom of our feet, it actually helps even though it sounds weird.
Danielle Papsis says
Honey is a great help for when you’re sick.
Karen Mead says
Mix 1 tbsp baking soda with 2 tbsp. shampoo. use once per month to clarify and remove buildup in your hair. Learned this from Dr. Oz!
Heather Poindexter says
I use a neti pot!
Kathy Fleming says
My favorite home remedy is pure olive oil to ease wrinkles and dry skin.
Robin says
I drink plenty of liquids
Melinda Stephens says
I love russian tea for a cold and/or sore throat.
Brittney House says
Sleep and fluids.
Jen H says
we use ginger and raw honey a lot! especially in teas with lemon slices!
Tamar says
I like chicken soup.
maya hu says
Salt and hot water for when i have a sore throat!
Carolyn Daley says
My favorite remedy is a bowl of warm soup.
Aimee Fontenot says
I like to drink hot honey and lemon water when I’m feeling under the weather.
Sky Evans says
I like tea tree oil.
cheryl s says
gargle warm salt water for a sore throat
jules m. says
crushed aspirin mixed with warm water- applied to zits. dries them up overnight.
Karrie Millheim says
warm baby oil for earaches
natalie yeoman says
rubbing vicks on your chest and face
Anne says
Humidity, hot tea and local honey (for allergies).
samantha penrod says
warm dr. pepper with honey
Angela Ash says
My favorite home remedy for relaxing is a hot bath and a cup of hot tea.
Melinda Howell says
I love honey for sore throats! My kids do too which makes it that much better!
Kayla says
For a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water.
Karen Drake says
My favorite home remedy is chicken soup.
Nicole Carter Weasley says
I always eat a tsp of honey when my throat is sore!
Gennie Lancaster says
My home remedy is hot tea with honey.
Kathy Pease says
I would have to say home made chicken noodle soup
Kat Emerick says
chicken soup and a blanket.
Coral Dickinson says
Clear broth!
Misha Estrada says
I put vaporub on my feet when I’m sick.
Judy Gregory says
Straight up alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as a toner for acne. If there’s no bacteria there can’t be a pustule.
amanda whiltey says
vicks in the warmer !
Stephanie Galbraith says
Vapor rub on your kids feet and hands, with socks and gloves while they sleep. This clears up their sinuses faster than anything else.
Sue Sattler says
I use peppermint wax cubes in my scentsy burner when we are congested and coughing.
Taylor-Margaret Edmond says
Vapor Rub will cure just about any sinus, cold or flu problem… at least from my experience. I love the feel as well… And when a toddler is struggling to breathe, especially at night, it is always easiest to just slab a little on and get in some cuddles.
susan smoaks says
vicks vapor rub in the warmer sounds good to me.
ioana c. says
eating some honey for a sore throat
Jennifer Speed says
hot tea with honey or apple cider with red hots
Christy Denton says
This isn’t REALLY a home remedy per say, but whenever someone is sick in our house, we make a big batch of Pa Jerry’s (my dad) Sick Soup. He called it Poor Man’s Potato soup, but since he made it and carried it to anyone who was sick, it got it’s new name. No matter what you are sick with. . . stomach issues, sore throat, flu. . . it always helps and it always stays “down”
Roxann says
Peppermint tea works when I am sick.
Leah Shumack says
Hot Tea with Lemon!
Marcy Strahan says
I take a bath with a cup of salt at least once a week for aches & pains!
amy deeter says
My remedy is hot tea and honey
Allison says
Peppermint essential oil.
tina reynolds says
I would say hot tea with honey or chicken noodle soup
melina r says
favorite home remedy is honey and lemon to soothe a sore throat.
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